Friday, January 11, 2008

Change of plans

Just a quick post... with some change of plans. I've carefully considered things and given the time, commute, etc., I think I'll be scrapping IronmanUK this year. In the end, I've decided that 140.6=140.6 so doing an official Ford Ironman isn't a real necessity. I've revised my schedule to do the Silverman Ironman in Nevada. It'll be a little later in the year, easier/cheaper to reach and leaves me a little extra cash to spend on my bike. Even better, I can throw in a few days of post-race enjoyment in Vegas!

The only drawback is that Silverman is considered the toughest Ironman in North America, with over 9700 ft of climbing in the bike over 112 miles (think, 1/3 the height of Mount Everest). The run is equally challenging with 2000 ft of climbing! That said, it'll be a great challenge and the course is absolutely beautiful. Some pics that I've found.

So, here's to a new plan!

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