Sunday, July 5, 2009

Joining the club

Short post... So this week I joined the club... of cyclists hit by cars. Was headed back from practice at 7:30AM and a parked car pulled out into traffic and smacked me. Dis a quick front flip off my bike and onto my back. Got up immediately and started screaming "FUCK!" the driver stopped, saw that I was more or less ok and then proceeded to blame me because "honey, my flicker means I get to pull out." Right....

More angry than hurt and with my bike thankfully ok, I pedalled home.

Sore tailbone but no major road rash or anything. And given the flip, I am so so lucky not to have broken my collarbone or to have gotten a head injury. So, sitting here in Nantucket as I write this (a opposed to from my phone in the hospital), I'm pretty pumped.

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